#GFCT Road To Global FPL Glory Mini-League Update GW9

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The highest scoring player for the GW was DCL with 13 points, having scored two goals while also being a popular Captaincy choice against Fulham.

The most popular move was to sell Salah this GW and move to Fernandes as a Captaincy choice. Fernandes once again received a penalty and did not fail to return FPL points.

Those who remained patient and benched their injured or COVID players obviously lost out but as FPL managers did not remove Son/Kane from their teams due to this development – they were further rewarded as Spurs managers to beat City by 2 goals.

Players like Saiss, Zaha, Coady further added to manager woes as no clear update was given on these players in the press conference and once again patience was penalized.

We will now see the first massive fixture swing for teams with City, Liverpool & Villa having the best fixtures going forward.

Around 260K Wildcards were used this GW and around 600K chips in all.

We continue to advise patience due to UCL/EUL matches midweek which may lead to injuries and players with COVID cases.

Please find the league update below:

No. of participating Managers: 639

The league average (Top 5 managers) is: 609.00

Our League leader is: Boonyarit Keawaram.





We wish our participants all the best!

The league is now closed but managers are still invited to join our chats on Telegram. The link to which is on the registration page of the site.

Good Luck!

#GFCT Team.

Credit: Premier Fantasy Tools & Live FPL

Published by Ajit Dhillon

Living life to the fullest! A father to Ahaan and husband to Ayesha. Creator of the GFCT Project, Chats & Mini Leagues! A financial market participant by profession who absolutely loves sports! I'm a die hard Real Madrid Fan who loves playing Fantasy Football!

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